India is the second most populous country in the world. In fact, it has 27% of the global population living on 2% of the Earth’s land mass. In order to cope with this sharp escalation in population, cities and towns are expanding and the agricultural lands and green areas are shrinking rapidly. This has automatically put a lot of pressure on the eco system and resulted in an increase in pollution, extinction of wild life habitats and above all, an alarming increase in Global Warming. Reduction in the green areas of the globe, combined with various other factors has resulted in drastic climatic changes all over the globe.
If we do not wake up and take appropriate measures like afforestation and conservation of natural resources, the generations to come will have to face dire consequences.
In order to contribute to the worldwide efforts that are going on to prevent an increase in global warming, Shree Public Charitable Trust has taken up the project of ‘Nurture Nature with Neem’.
Neem is a hardy, long-living, traditional tree of India that nourishes the soil, enriches the atmosphere and helps to maintain the balance of the Eco System because it is ecologically very special. It can tolerate very high levels of pollution and has the capacity to recover even if most of its foliage is dropped. Plants with a large foliage area such as neem, remove relatively higher quantities of lead and CO2 from the atmosphere. Trees vary widely in their capacity to absorb pollutants like particulate dust, CO2, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen.
A study of locations in New Delhi, done by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, India in 1996 indicated that Neem tree is one of the most suitable species for checking urban pollution in industrial locations. It has natural anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti germicidal and anti biotic properties and has been used in Indian traditional herbal remedies since centuries. The leaf fall of neem also nourishes and enriches the fertility of the soil and reduces pests.
“Nurture Nature with Neem” was launched on 15thJuly 2007 by His Holiness Shri Shri Nimishananda at the Bangalore University Campus by planting a 5,000 Neem saplings.
Shree Public Charitable Trust identifies barren stretches of land and plants Neem trees to nurture the Eco system. Many Neem trees have also been planted along road sides, around play grounds and other open spaces.