Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Mass Feeding on this Solar Eclipse

Donating food (Annadana) is considered to be a very noble form of charity. It confers great merit on the donor and assures him and his family of constant abundance of food grain and prosperity.

According to the scriptures, Annadana performed on the day of solar and lunar eclipses confers greater merits for the donor. We serve the poor people every single day. About 1500 locals are taking benefit of this program.

If any of you wish to contribute and donate for the Annanda during the solar eclipse which falls on January 15, 2010 or on any other day, you can contact us at +91 9341259083 or email at

Wipe a Tear, Remove a Pain!!


  1. Hi,

    Do you have an official website for Wipe a Tear Remove a Pain ?

  2. yes mekhala, you can visit our website www.wipeatearremoveapain.org
