Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ahimsa - Turn to Vegetarianism

Dear All,

There can be another reason as to why all of us should turn into vegetarians. It is the divine vision and mission of ‘Wipe a Tear; Remove a Pain’ as we are not here just to remove the pain of human beings but also remove the pain of all creatures of Divine Mother’s creation. While we indulge in the cruel act of killing animals for our food or witness innocent creatures being slaughtered and do nothing about it; how can we call ourselves ambassadors of this noble cause. The teachings of care and compassion by Pujya Guruji should not be restricted to our relatives, friends, another human being or at the most our pets at home.

Animals on today's factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats: neglect, mutilation, genetic manipulation, and drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, transport through all weather extremes, and gruesome and violent slaughter. Yet farmed animals are no less intelligent or capable of feeling pain than are the dogs and cats we cherish as companions.

Animals on factory farms are treated like meat and egg machines. Chickens have their sensitive beaks seared off with a hot blade, and male cattle and pigs are castrated without any painkillers. All farmed chickens, turkeys, and pigs spend their brief lives in dark and crowded warehouses, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a single wing. They are mired in their own waste, and the stench of ammonia fills the air. Animals raised for food are bred and drugged to grow as large as possible as quickly as possible—many are so heavy that they become crippled under their own weight and die within inches of their water supply. 

Animals on factory farms do not see the sun or get a breath of fresh air until they are prodded and crammed onto trucks for a nightmarish ride to the slaughterhouse, often through weather extremes and always without food or water. Many die during transport, and others are too sick or weak to walk off the truck after they reach the slaughterhouse. The animals who survive this hellish ordeal are hung upside-down and their throats are slit, often while they're completely conscious. Many are still alive while they are skinned, hacked into pieces, or scalded in the defeathering tanks.

When we question, why should another living being undergo all this pain, the answer is simple, its just for the taste buds of few. Though sad, it is the truth.

As followers of Parama Pujya Guruji, it is our dharma to first stop eating meat and for people who are vegetarians; it is our moral responsibility to make sure that we thrive forward in bringing in awareness in as many people as possible to stop eating meat.  We just have to create awareness about there are vegetarian alternatives to almost any animal food.

Bowing humbly at the Lotus Feet of Parama Pujya Guruji- the reservoir of care, compassion and unconditional love; let us all take a sankalpa to LOVE, CARE AND PROTECT ANIMALS AND NOT EAT THEM.

“No Himsa (cruelty); Become A Hamsa (Enlightened One)”

 In the spirit of ‘Wipe a Tear; Remove a Pain’



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